Chartered Physiotherapy

Knee Injuries


Physiotherapy Knee Specialist

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Knee Surgery and Rehab

If you are undergoing surgery for a knee injury, specialist physiotherapy is required prior to and following your operation.

Nathan Cardy, is an expert in Orthopaedic Rehabilitation, with a PhD in functional outcomes of keyhole surgery. From pre-operative management to final stage sports rehab, one-to one treatment sessions are tailored to your needs.

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Anterior Knee Pain

Pain in the front of your knee (‘runner’s knee / jumper’s knee’) can be very limiting if not properly diagnosed.

A thorough assessment and rehab plan includes your weekly load targets to return to full activity.


Acute Knee Injury

Twisting injuries to the knee can often result in swelling, bruising or sharp pain.

If you are unsure of how to manage a new injury, and need a treatment plan or diagnosis - you have come to the right place. An initial consultation includes a full hands on assessment and plan for injury management.